Our Pastor
Moses Aguilar
Hello and Welcome
Moses Aguilar is the Pastor of The Door Church in Northside San Antonio. Pastor Aguilar and his wife Yvonne have been married for over 25 years, and have two children; a daughter age 23, and a son age 18. Moses pioneered his first church as a Pastor in San Antonio, Texas in 2001. His second assignment, in 2007, was to take over a church in East San Antonio, Texas. In 2012 God challenged him to full-time ministry as an
Evangelist, with the vision of preaching the Gospel around the world. In 2016 he took over the Northside San Antonio church from Pastor Rudy Estrada as Pastor Estrada went to start a new church in Barbados.
In the background of his full-time ministry, he has managed to run two successful companies which give him great insight into the difficult balance of work, career, soul-winning, and the pursuit of the Will of God. God has blessed his business endeavors, in part, to help invest into the Kingdom of God.